This blog represents my opinions and my opinions alone, and certainly doesn't represent the collective thoughts of any of the Boards or organizations that I serve on. Unfortunately I make all sorts of miistakes, I'm a picky eater, I can't sing and I just recently found out I have been spelling certain words in my vocabulary wrong my entire life. That being said, I still continue to muddle ever onward. Welcome.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monona Park and Recreation Board Meeting March 9th 6pm

Our Monona Park and Rec Board will be meeting this Tuesday evening at 6pm in the Community Center lounge, and as no snow is in the forecast, I'm confident the meeting will proceed as scheduled. We will continue to discuss our Park and Open Spaces Plan for the city, as well as receive Director Jake Anderson's update on the capital budget timeline and current projects. Under new business, the Board will discuss additional requests for capital funding for a pool plumbing project and M.Y. Dream Park maintenance.

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