This blog represents my opinions and my opinions alone, and certainly doesn't represent the collective thoughts of any of the Boards or organizations that I serve on. Unfortunately I make all sorts of miistakes, I'm a picky eater, I can't sing and I just recently found out I have been spelling certain words in my vocabulary wrong my entire life. That being said, I still continue to muddle ever onward. Welcome.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Monona Grove Board Of Education Approves MGEA Contract Extension.

The Board approved a contract extension with significant modifications today at an emergency meeting. This extension was recommended for approval by Superintendent Gerlach as a bridge from where we've been as a district for decades to where we are going in these uncertain times. The extension includes these modifications to the recently ratified contract:
  • Effective July 1, 2011,  teachers will make a 50% contribution to their WRS.
  • Effective September 1, 2011, teachers will pay 12.6% of their insurance costs.
  • Salary schedule freeze, but with step and lane movement.
  • The Board will have authority to control the district calendar.
  • Teachers within five years of retirement will be grandfathered in to previous retirement benefit package; teachers not within this time frame will not have this benefit.
  • Transfer language related to seniority is eliminated.
  • Memo of understanding regarding class size guidelines is deleted.
The Board passed this extension 5 to 1, with McCutchin casting the lone nay vote. Lionel Norton was unable to attend today's meeting.


  1. Well done under the circumstances.

    I hope people know about the list of teachers retiring this year. For anyone who thinks this has nothing to do with Fitzwalker, this number of retirees is unprecedented. What an incredible loss. We cannot absorb this loss of talent and dedication all at once without hurting our kids. So sad.

    Linda Bolles, Early Childhood Special Education Teacher at Taylor Prairie, effective at
    the end of the 2010-2011 School Year
    Nancy Evans, Music Teacher Taylor Prairie and Cottage Grove Schools, effective at
    the end of the 2010-2011 School Year
    Susan Gehn, Gifted and Talented Resource Teacher District-wide, effective at the end
    of the 2010-2011 School Year
    Deborah Groves, Kindergarten Teacher Taylor Prairie, effective at the end of the 2010-
    2011 School Year
    Thomas Howe, Social Studies Teacher at MGHS, effective at the end of the 2010-2011
    School Year
    Patricia Howell, Special Education Teacher at Glacial Drumlin, effective at the end of
    the 2010-2011 School Year
    Vicki Kieler, 6th Grade Teacher at Glacial Drumlin, effective at the conclusion of
    summer school for the 2010-2011 School Year
    Nancy Kugle, Kindergarten Teacher at Taylor Prairie, effective at the end of the 2010-
    2011 School Year
    Mari Mitchell, English Teacher at MGHS, effective at the end of the 2010-2011 School
    Carol Nehrbass, Reading Teacher at Taylor Prairie, effective at the end of the 2010-
    2011 School Year
    Patricia Powers, Kindergarten Teacher at Taylor Prairie, effective at the end of the
    2010-2011 School Year
    Patricia Rentschler, 1st Grade Teacher at Taylor Prairie, effective at the end of the 2010-
    2011 School Year
    Mary Jean Schwarz, 6th Grade Teacher at Glacial Drumlin, effective at the end of the
    2010-2011 School Year
    Gail Sterkel, English Teacher at MGHS, effective at the end of the 2010-2011 School
    Steven Wendorff, English Teacher at MGHS, effective at the end of the 2010-2011
    School Year
    Ralph Zebell, Science Teacher at MGHS, effective at the end of the 2010-2011 School

  2. It is truly a huge loss to the district.

  3. Why did McCutchin vote against this?

  4. The MGSD teachers will take a collective $1,000,000 pay cut for at least the next two years. I hang my head when I think of the impact on those professionals, their families, the local economy, and the future of the teaching profession and public education in our state.

    There is a very strong lesson in democracy here--pay attention or someone will steal it. Scott Walker was elected Governor of Wisconsin with only 26% of the eligible ballots in the state. He won 52% of the votes cast BUT HALF OF THOSE ELIGIBLE DID NOT VOTE. Hardly the mandate he would like us to believe.

  5. Bill,

    The number is actually worse than that, because so many are not registered to vote. I've heard it's something like 17% of the adults over 18 in this state cast a vote for Walker. We have seen the enemy and it's us. (apologies to Pogo - I don't know the exact quote.)

  6. Lily, you just revealed your age! Walt Kelly was a gem. The quote is "We have met the enemy and he is us." He also said, "Women aren't as mere as they used to be." To this I say hooray and keep on trucking.
