It was announced today that Governor Walker has called for a special election in the 48th Assembly District and the Primary Election will take place on July 12th. I am excited to endorse Vicky Selkowe for State Assembly and hope that you will join me in supporting her!
From the candidate:
Dear Neighbor,
I’m running to be your representative for the 48th District in the Wisconsin State Assembly because we need an effective, experienced champion in the legislature.
I have more than a dozen years experience standing up for Wisconsin’s families and bringing people together to get results.
I am a public interest attorney, a workers’ rights advocate, and an anti-poverty public policy expert. I am currently the Chief of Staff to an Assembly Democrat (Cory Mason from Racine) and I have a proven track record of highly effective leadership.

There is too much at stake in Wisconsin to have a representative who merely cares about supporting working families, ensuring affordable health care, enhancing our public schools, fighting for workers' rights, creating good jobs, and safeguarding our natural resources: we need a state representative who has also worked on and been a leader on all of these issues. I am excited, and more than ready, to put my skills and experiences on these important issues to work for my neighbors in the 48th Assembly District.
Please contact me explore my website to learn more about my background and my positions on the issues you care about. I would be honored to earn your support.