The Monona Park and Recreation Board will meet tonight, October 12th, at 6pm in the Community Center lounge.We will be discussing the replacement playground structure for
Monona's beloved Blue Park, which has been deemed ready for a face-lift. We have many new structures to consider and I hope that any interested parents and park-goers join us to peruse the options.

And for those of us who would still like to have at least one sand park in
Monona, tonight would be the perfect opportunity to voice that sentiment.
Under new business: Capital Transfer Request for 2010 Pool Shower/Locker Room Floor Project, Capital Transfer Request for 2011
Maywood Park Trail, MG Business Men’s Association Community Message Board Relocation, the 2011 Tennis Court Resurfacing Information and the 2011 Community Center Remodel/Feasibility Study. Join us. It's always a party.
The Monona Grove Board of Education is meeting this Wednesday evening at 7pm in the District Office.The agenda for this month's meeting can be found
here. Among old business, the Board will revisit the ongoing discussion of the possible closure of
Maywood Elementary and consolidation of
Monona's elementary grades at
Winnequah School and related issues. Not sure what the related issues will be, but rest assured, they will be aplenty. New business includes the possible approval of the proposed 10
th grade chemistry program and an update on continuous school improvement by Christa
Macomber and Deb Lyons. The Board will also approve these generous donations in the consent agenda:
$330.57 donated from the Knights of Columbus to
Monona Grove School District, Student Services for students with special education needs
$500.00 donated from the
GDS PTO to Glacial Drumlin School for student scholarships
$118.53 donated from Target to
Winnequah School
$250.00 donated by
Monona State Bank to
Winnequah School
$2,600.00 donated by the Cottage Grove PTO to Cottage Grove School for
SMARTBoards$125.00 and two bins of school supplies donated by the
Monona State Bank – Cottage Grove to the Cottage Grove School for student assistance.
15.5” viola, bow and case donated by Lisa & Scott
Stearns to the
GDS Orchestra Department.
13” viola, bow and case donated by Lisa & Jeff
Baudhuin to the
GDS Orchestra Department.
$100.00 to the Taylor Prairie School donated by Paul Jana & Dana King
$50.00 to the Taylor Prairie School donated by Daniel &
Kristia Loeder$25.00 to the Taylor Prairie School donated by Michael
Sturm$10.00 to the Taylor Prairie School donated by Paul & Lisa
Sutter$10.00 to the Taylor Prairie School donated by Matthew & Jessie Nelson
$25.00 to the Taylor Prairie School donated by Thomas & Holly Schmidt
$20.00 to the Taylor Prairie School donated by Frank & Kristin Russell
$2,600.00 donated by the Cottage Grove PTO to Taylor Prairie School for
SMARTBoardsSchool supplies donated by School Supplies for Kids to Cottage Grove School
School supplies donated by New Concepts Salon to Cottage Grove School
This note from the Monona Recreation Department:Parents! The Youth Basketball deadline is THIS Friday, October 15th! Please sign your child up today! We have to stick to this deadline, due to a scheduling meeting with other communities, so please don't wait!
And finally, a couple of shots from the Winnequah Fifth Grade Upham Woods trip:
and then for no particular reason, click here.